As Johnny Cash said, 'Life ain't easy for a boy named Sue'.
Well, likewise, life ain't easy for a girl named Slaughter.
Unlike the eponymous Sue, I haven't acquired that endearing American attribute of a love for whiskey and guns. I'm more of a Baileys and death by cheese kind of gal. Don't worry, I don't plan to use words like gal very often.
I did, however, 'have to get tough or die'. Receiving Christmas cards and birthday invites addressed to Emma Snorter up to the age of ten means that you learn you can cry and wish you were a boring Smith or Jones, or you can suck it up and pick holes in other people's flaws. Honestly, if I know you, I know all of your character defects. Make your move.
I feel like all new bloggers probably have a small reason for starting out; maybe they actually have something interesting to say, or like myself, simply hope that Kevin McCloud will read it and fall head over heels. Or that Tim Dowling will take me under his 'guardian'ship. Uhuhuh.
All I can say with certainity is that I have little to no idea what I will write about or how often, but I hope it will be entertaining and that occasionally it might be interesting.
Although all of you that read this one post will probably know everything about me, I feel that I should do a little bio. I'm nineteen and studying English Literature and Philosophy at the University of East Anglia. It feels so wonderful to say that. After screwing up my A levels, (which I still maintain Gove personally sabotaged after my year group went crazy on the local free school), I was offered a foundation year studying an amalgamation of humanities subjects including literature, philosophy, history, politics, history of art and a language. I honestly thought it would be a means to an end, but soon realised that it was actually beneficial and more importantly, really interesting. Just do one, it's only an extra nine grand. I like to tell myself it's not real money. Just little zaps of electricity passing between student finance and the uni, comforting David Cameron's genetic predisposition to worry about all that state school riff raff tainting his canon of pure Tory blood. Bless his little cotton socks.
As you may have guessed, I'm not a fan of the bloodsuckers. In his autobiography 'My Shit Life so Far' (Maybe that's what I should have named this?), Frankie Boyle describes a scene where he imagines the queen dislocating her jaw to swallow orphans whole. I believe similar cirumstances play out at Tory meetings. Condom head Cameron (See cartoonist Steve Bell)
, sheds his slippery membrane to reveal an equally phallic ponce who collects the weekly group of free school students selected for the cull, devours them, and then excretes out a fresh batch of Tory youth. Rumours have it that it's considered an honour by many parents to have their child gulped by a member of the upper class.
Am I getting a bit opinionated? Let me ease your inner Tory and lead you down a less confrontational path. I'm probably just jealous of you because I will never be able to double-barrel my name. Slaughter sounds awful with everything. Unless I marry my friend Kate Mann.